Hi God, One More Thing
When we're ready to yell at the kids or whoever happens to be close by. When we're tossing and turning instead of sleeping. When we're crying as we look at ourselves in the bathroom mirror and wonder why this happened to us. Or, when we just find ourselves scratching our heads.
If we just knew WHAT to say. How to start. Or even, how to fit it all in! We're running a million miles-a-minute with unchecked "to-do" lists. And our list of things we need him to fix is so LONG! Where do we even start?
Hi God, One More Thing is exactly THAT! It's an easy way to start a conversation with God about the tough stuff; starting with our problem and ending in His promise. The tough stuff isn't tough for Him. and He's just waiting for us to bring it to Him, so He can help.
That's it! Let's start NOW!